Walnut Creek, California


Q: Who are the Computer Club technicians? Are they paid by the Club? 
A: None of our technicians are paid. They are all volunteers who want to assist other members of the Rossmoor Community. The Club's Technical Director screens each volunteer to ensure he/she has sufficient experience and expertise to become a House Call technician. 

Q: Does the House Call technician come to my home? 
A: Yes, the vast majority of our House Calls are handled in person. However, due to Covid, some of our techs - as well as some of our members - have opted to use remote-access software for problems that can be addressed in this manner.  Please check below for more FAQs about the remote service option. 

Q: I am a member but do not live in Rossmoor. May I request a House Call?
A: Our technicians only do in-person service for members who live in Rossmoor. However, if the nature of your problem can be handled via a remote-access connection, we will gladly perform the service. 

Q: If I join the Club mid-year, am I still entitled to 6 House Calls? 
A: Yes, members may receive a maximum of 6 House Calls in a calendar year, regardless of when they join.

Q: If a technician has to return to my home to finish up work on a House Call, does that second visit get counted as a separate House Call?
A: No, a follow-up visit does not get counted as an additional House Call.

Q: I need immediate assistance or a type of service you don't handle. Can you recommend someone else?
A: Yes, if we are unable to provide immediate assistance, or if you submit a House Call request for a type of service that is outside the scope of the House Call program, we can suggest a reputable technician you can hire. 

Q: I need help learning how to use software, such as MS Word or macOS. May I request tutoring?
A: Unfortunately, we are not able to provide tutoring, as it simply uses too many tech hours. If you need to learn how to use a specific software, Acalanes Adult Ed offers many computer classes. And, the Computer Club offers Flash Classes right in the Gateway Computer Center or via Zoom.

Q: I've used the House Call Service in the past. May I request a specific technician?
A: Yes, you may include this request when you enter your the description of the problem you're having.

Q: I'm not a member yet. If I join today, may I immediately schedule a House Call? 
A: Only active members may submit a House Call request. If you pay your dues online with a credit card, your membership will be instantly activated and you may immediately submit your House Call request. If you pay with cash or check, it may take up to a week to activate your membership. 

Q: Is the technician required to wear a mask during the service? Will I have to wear a mask?
A: Our technicians are not required to wear a mask but will gladly do so if the member requests this. Likewise, some of our technicians may request that the member wears a mask during the service. If masks are a concern, this should be discussed when setting up the appointment
Please click the large red button at the bottom of this column.  Then follow these easy instructions (if you are unable to log onto the internet from home, please come to the Computer Center in the Gateway Club-house for assistance):

  • Log into our Member portal by using the email address that is tied to your Computer Club membership.
  • Then, click the grey "Register" button to follow the simple process to enter your request.
Types of components / devices we handle:
  • PCs and Macs
  • Windows 10 and 11
  • macOS
  • Printers
  • Wifi connections / routers
  • House calls are limited to solving system-related software problems or connectivity issues (such as printer or internet connections).

Types of service we do not perform:
  • Troubleshooting non-operating-system software
  • Troubleshooting problems with websites
  • Hardware repairs (replacing a hard drive, installing
       a new video card, etc.)
  • New system set-ups; Disassembling / moving a system
  • Data recovery
  • Tutoring / training
  • Virus removal
  • Fixing Comcast internet problems 
  • Upgrading PCs to Windows 10 or 11
When you submit your House Call request, you will be asked to agree to the following statement:

 “I understand and agree that neither the Computer Club of Rossmoor nor its volunteers may be held liable for direct or consequential losses resulting from damages to my equipment or from lost / corrupted data."
The   Computer  Club  offers free onsite "House Calls" to paid Members who are also residents of  Rossmoor.  
  • Members who are not residents may request a remote access service call.
  • Members may request up to 6 House Calls per calendar year.  
  • Depending on demand and volunteer availability, we can generally respond to a House Call request within a week.  
  • For more information, please read the FAQs below,


Q: Is the remote-access service secure?
A: Yes! Many tech companies, such as Dell, HP and Apple, have been using this type of software for many, many years. In some instances our techs will use "Team Viewer" software to provide this service. Team Viewer ( is a well-known, reputable company used by many businesses to provide remote technical support to their employees. It may be used with Windows PCs or Macs. For PCs, our techs may also opt to use a "built in" Windows application to provide remote service.

Q:  How does the remote access service work? 
A:  One of the Computer Club's technicians will call you to determine if your problem can be handled remotely. If so, the tech will walk you through the simple steps to launch "Team Viewer" (for Windows PCs or Macs) or the Windows remote access application (for PCs). Once it's installed, you will need to verbally provide the technician with a system-generated code that allows him/her to access your system and fix many types of problems. Note that the code ensures that you have complete control over who gets access to your system. The technician can not see your screen and/or operate your computer until you provide the code. 

Q: How do I protect my privacy after the remote access software is installed? 
A: Upon opening the software, it generates a special, one-time-use access code. The technician can only access your system after you verbally provide him/her with the code. Once the session concludes, the technician can only get back into your system if you re-open the software and provide him/her with a new code.

Q: Do I have to buy the remote access software or pay a fee to use it? 
A: No, there is no charge for you to use Team Viewer software. If you have a PC, your Windows 10 or 11 system already includes the remote access application. However, only paid-up members of the Computer Club may request a House Call. See the Members/Volunteers page about joining the Club and/or paying dues online. 

Q: If the technician has me install the Team Viewer software, do I have to set up an account and remember a password? Will I get junk mail from them? 
A: You do not have to setup an account or remember a password. In fact, you never provide your email address during the installation process, so you will never receive advertising or junk mail from Team Viewer.